Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making strides in life

When we make strides in life.   We face obstacles and  challenges.  To me the most

challenges comes derives from our family.  Family is the most familiar to us..Anytime

a love one feel that you will branch out on your own and leave them...They find a way

not to support you..We want them to support our goals and dreams but if  they don't

its've got to keep striving.  Sometimes to road to success can be a lonely one

but we must create our own path....and maybe one day your success will inspire

the nay sayers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Learning Lessons


Each one of is here to learn lessons, when we learn one, we move on to the next.

Love is always hidden inside of every lesson.  I am learning about the relationship between

my thoughts and my experiences, and I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and

understanding I have.  learning lessons means you are willing to change.

I choose to believe that it is easy to make changes.  I can resist, deny, get angry or build\

walls, but eventually I will learn the lesson anyway.  It helps to be willing to learn.